Laura Adriance
Laura Adriance grew up in New Jersey with parents who were both teachers. She studied French in high school and college, discovering the joy of learning about other cultures and languages. This interest led Laura to serve in the Peace Corps in Namibia. Laura returned to the US committed to incorporating global issues and cultures into her teaching. Laura enjoys integrating educational technology, especially for the purpose of connecting students with peers beyond the classroom walls. She strives to inspire students’ curiosity about world issues through literature, current events, and by intentionally uplifting the diversity within our schools. Laura earned an undergraduate degree at Drew University in New Jersey, a master’s degree in education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and a PhD in Education at the University of Washington. Outside of her classroom, she currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Seattle Education Association and participates in the district’s Special Education Task Force, working toward increased inclusion and excellent educational services for all students.