A Humanitarian’s Travelogue: Ezra Millstein
April 16th, 2019 12:00PM -1:30PM
Free! RSVP by Friday, April 12 here. Lunch provided.
Doors open at 12:00 p.m. Discussion begins at 12:30 p.m.
One year, 12 countries, 70,000 photos. From the front lines of the war in Yemen to the rice fields of Indonesia, Mercy Corps photographer Ezra Millstein travels the world capturing incredible shots of our work in action. Hear Ezra share the remarkable stories behind his most memorable photos and videos of 2018, and how your support is transforming the lives of people in crisis.
"I was told when I started working here how important photography is to the organization — it’s the palette of the stories we tell," he says. "This idea goes beyond just light, color and composition — our photographs strive to serve as a visual manifestation of both the challenges faced by the people we work with, and the work we do to help them build better lives, with special emphasis on respecting their privacy and dignity."
Mercy Corps has always taken particular pride in our photography, embracing the philosophy that it is a crucial way to share stories and connect people around the world. Come learn how.
About the Speaker
Ezra Millstein has worked as the Senior Content Producer at Mercy Corps since 2017, documenting the organization’s work in over 40 countries. Millstein previously spent 10 years as the Staff Photographer at Habitat for Humanity International and has also worked for World Wildlife Fund, International Rescue Committee, the National Geographic Society, and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Swaziland. Millstein has created award-winning documentaries that have been featured in film festivals around the world. India is one of his favorite countries to photograph; he got his start in photography by spending a year traveling throughout the country with one camera and a backpack full of film. He lives in Portland, OR with his wife Darla and daughter Isabel. You can see his work at ezramillstein.com.