Lesson Two | SDG #1: No Poverty
In this lesson, students learn about United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1: No Poverty. They will watch a series of short videos that will provide an introduction to the SDGs and the no poverty goal. This specific lesson has students explore the connection between environmental issues (one of the themes of this module series) and poverty.
Students will engage in small and large group activities that require them to analyze secondary sources and participate in collaborative discussions about the impact of environmental challenges, such as climate change, on poverty levels in different contexts. These learning activities include completing a graphic organizer, reflecting on the conclusions of their peers in a gallery walk, and researching efforts to alleviate poverty in a specific local, national, or global community. Finally, students will evaluate what is being done to address poverty and how they could take action individually and collectively to address the issues.
Lesson Plans for Heritage Language Speakers
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Attribution and License
This Open Educational Resource, Cultivating Global Competence through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, was developed by Ryan Hauck, Michele Anciaux-Aoki, Julianna Patterson, Gloria Kuzmenko-Latmier, Ina Chong, and Global Classroom, World Affairs Council – Seattle.
Cover image by Julianna Patterson from Canva.
Sustainable Development Goals images copyright United Nations. All rights reserved. Used pursuant to fair use.
Translations by:
Larisa Shuvalova
Iryna Novachuk
Inna Shynshyn
Nathan Marks
Brandon Severance
Otilia Baraboi
Ileana Marin
Alexey Kuznetsov
Pedro Lopez-Chaves
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