Eric Klunder
Eric Klunder is a Senior Account Executive with Lynden Logistics and has been involved in global supply chain efforts for 30 years both in first hand oversight overseas as well as leading teams and building stakeholder partnerships to complete projects and programs. He has done extensive work with multinational corporations, business startups, USAID, the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, UN agencies, international NGOs and other organizations operating worldwide. Eric’s roles have spanned from project lead on cargo charter flights to contract manager for large aid programs. In 2016, he initiated the Final Mile Logistics Working Group in Seattle to bring together the northwest community in a networking and learning forum to encourage capacity-building partnerships for success in international endeavors. Eric received a BA in International Relations and Russian Language from James Madison University and a MA in Russian Studies from the University of Virginia. He is a supporter of the arts and a board member of The American Chekhov project which has performed all of Anton’s major plays and will produce Gorky’s Lower Depths in 2023. He and his wife, Jennifer MacCormack, are avid travelers with visits to the former Soviet Union, Africa, Australia, Europe, Central/South America, Asia, and the Caribbean. Born in NYC with much of his early adult life in Washington, DC, Eric is proud to call the beauty of the Pacific Northwest home today. He enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, running, and sailing. Eric is the middle child among his siblings who call him ‘the diplomat’ for navigating growing up with and older sister and brother and a younger sister and brother whom he remains very close with to this day.