Sarah Frazar
Sarah Frazar is the Group Leader for the Global Security Technology and Policy Group at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). In this capacity, she manages a team specializing in national security policy, training, stakeholder engagement, and technology integration. In her previous roles as project manager and account manager, she explored the policy implications of PNNL’s technical solutions, focusing specifically on the impact emerging technologies will have on U.S. Government nonproliferation missions. Her work has addressed topics such as synthetic biology, distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, data privacy, and cybersecurity. She specializes in international safeguards policy and implementation, with a particular focus on establishment of State Systems of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material and nuclear infrastructure development. Before joining PNNL, she was the deputy team lead in the International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program and a Nonproliferation Graduate Program fellow at the National Nuclear Security Administration. She started her career in national security serving as a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; development director and investigative reporter covering national security issues at the National Security New Service; and White House intern. She received her undergraduate degree in government from Colby College and her master’s degree in security studies from Georgetown University.